Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com

Hi, Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com a place where Power Core Combiners rule. You know i have been a Transformers fan since 1984 and i have collected a lot of transformers over the years. The PCC line in my view is a great line, with very little love from Hasbro and a lot of the greater Trans fandom. So here at this Blog i will attempt for all you PCC lovers to gather all the information i can for this line, this includes figure reviews, figure picture galleries, Auction spotlights, Official figures in package photos and much more!

Spotlight Combiners Photos, bio's and more!!!

Spotlight R.I.D. Combiner: LandFill
Landfill is formed by the four  team members: Wedge,Heavy Load, Grimlock and HighTower.

Landfill Is formed by the 4 Build Team Members: Wedge, Heavy Load, Grimlock and Hightower.

This giant robot is a combination of the four Buildmasters. With his Tornado Fusion System, he has three modes that switch around his limbs while Buildboy remains steady at the center. Hurricane Mode is a superb multi-purpose type formation, balancing offense and defense. Cyclone Mode is a power type form, excelling in close-quarters combat. And Typhoon Mode is his battle type formation, with the highest offensive power. This invincible gestalt robot is born of his components' four good, nature-loving hearts.
Tech Specs chart for Landfill.

Credit(s) TFW2005

Credit(s) AeonMagnus

Spotlight R.I.D. Combiner Rail Racer:
Rail Racer is formed by the Team Bullet Train members: Railspike, Midnight Express and Rapid Run

Rail Racer has no official US bio. Here is the bio for his Japanese release, JRX. J5 is Railspike in the US, while J4 is Midnight Express.

The three robots of Team Shinkansen complete their three-bot fusion with J5 as the brains of the whole. Thanks to the accelerators he's equipped with, he carries himself swiftly. Wields a giant gun combining J5's Beam Gun and J4's E4 Rifle.
Tech Specs chart for Railracer.

Credit(s) AeonMagnus

Spotlight R.I.D. Combiner Ruination:
Ruination is formed by the five Decepticon Military Squad members: MegaOctane, Armorhide, Movor, Rollbar and Rotor.
Credit(s) Thisblog

BioRuination had no bio of his own, as a combiner. His Japanese counterpart Vuldigus did come with a bio card, though:

A giant robot created from the combination of the five Combatrons. Having no interest for anything but fighting, Vuldigus is so atrociously cruel that even Gigatron fears him. He can change around his limbs at will, adapting instantly to various battle conditions with such forms as Flight Mission, which specializes in aerial combat, and Land Mission, which specializes in ground attacks. His two rifles, fusions of all the Combatrons' weapons, can destroy an entire city. The source of his energy is coffee milk.
Tech Specs chart for Ruination.
Credit(s) TFW2005

Credit(s) AeonMagnus

Spotlight Energon Combiner Constructicon maximus:
Constructicon Maximus  is formed by the five Construction team Members: Steamhammer, Bonscrusher, Duststorm,Sledge and Wideload.


This powerful fighter was awakened from a long sleep and rejoined the Destron army by the Emperor of Destruction Galvatron. He can unite with his comrade in arms Bruticus and make use of a rich variety of combination attacks. Their power becomes one and a new Super Link ability awakens.

* Constructicon Maximus had no US bio, so a translation of his Japanese bio is presented here instead.
Tech Specs chart for Constructicon Maximus.


Spotlight Energon Combiner Superion Maximus:
Superion Maximus is formed by the five Air Team Members: Storm Jet, Sky Shadow, Terradive, Treadshot and Windrazor.

Ancient warrior who has continued to fight to protect the menacing power of Super Energon. His Combination Spark, condensed over millennia of countless battles, has the secret ability to allow all five of his components to transform and combine. That ultimate Super Link ability is sure to lead to victory in key conflicts.
Tech Specs chart for Superion.


credit(s)seanmorse Spotlight Energon Combiner Bruticus Maximus:
Bruticus Maximus is formed by the five Destructicon team members: Barricade, Blackout, Blight, Kickback and Stormcloud.

BioThis ancient Destron warrior was one of the few among the Destrons to possess a Combination Spark. That power was sealed away for ages, but now his transforming and combining abilities, reputed to eclipse even the Cybertrons', are restored, and once again he alights in utter composure before the Cybertron forces!

* As Bruticus had no English tech spec, a translation of his Japanese one is given here. sound familiar? The same is true of Generation 1 Bruticus!
Tech Specs chart for Bruticus Maximus.
