Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com

Hi, Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com a place where Power Core Combiners rule. You know i have been a Transformers fan since 1984 and i have collected a lot of transformers over the years. The PCC line in my view is a great line, with very little love from Hasbro and a lot of the greater Trans fandom. So here at this Blog i will attempt for all you PCC lovers to gather all the information i can for this line, this includes figure reviews, figure picture galleries, Auction spotlights, Official figures in package photos and much more!

Alfes 2010 brings us more images and story translation of the new United Ex Power core line, the two pack of Ex Roller Master Vs. Ex Chopper Master

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In the deep snow among the Swiss alps, an Autobot helicopter, Choppermaster, hovered as he issued commands to four drones, which in turn struck their practice targets with unerring accuracy. 
“Controlling these drones is no problem. The merge test should be a cinch.” 
The next moment, he was struck by a burst of cannon fire from the ground. 
“How do you feel now, Autobot?” 
As Choppermaster plunged to the ground and slumped down in robot mode, a Decepticon stood regally before him with enormous claws outstretched. 
“You seem to have lost your vigor. Perhaps “Rollermaster” should seize those toys of yours… Unite!” 
Responding to Rollermaster’s command, the four combat drones came together as his arms and legs. The Decepticon’s newly-formed Prime Mode wasted no time in bathing the training grounds in a sea of fire. 
“Sorry to say, but that outfit doesn’t suit you!” 
Choppermaster emerged from among the flames, his partner Firebug having converted into protective armor to shield him. 
“I’ve heard that old folks can’t figure out the latest toys. I’ll show you how to play!” 
Detaching from Choppermaster’s chest, a gatling gun emerged from Firebug as he slid into the Autobot’s hand. The next moment, Rollermaster was ablaze with flames. 
“My body… it’s burning! What trickery is this, Autobot?!” 
“You like the taste of incendiary gel? Guess nobody told you, I love playing with fire!” 
The two continued their combat, unaware of the gaze focused upon them..

Choppermaster                                               RollerMaster
Targetmaster: Firebug                                       TargetMaster: Spanner
Function: Aerial Warrior                                   Function: Arctic Comm.
Strength: 5                                                         Strength: 8 
Intelligence: 7                                                     Intelligence: 8
Speed: 8                                                             Speed: 6
Endurance: 4                                                      Endurance: 10
Rank: 5                                                               Rank: 7
Courage: 4                                                         Courage: 10
Fireblast: 7                                                         Fireblast: 7
Skill: 9                                                                Skill: 7
Total: 49                                                             Total: 63
"A warrior admitted to the Master Class at Jetmaster’s recommendation. His attitude poses frequent problems, but his genius-level comprehension of chemical weapons allows him impressive variety in their use." 
"A mysterious agent rumored to be a commander of Fortress Darkmount. Holds great personal interest in Power Core technology. Skilled at combat in frigid regions." Credit(s)Afles2010/Seibertron.com