Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com

Hi, Welcome to PCCombiners.Blogspot.com a place where Power Core Combiners rule. You know i have been a Transformers fan since 1984 and i have collected a lot of transformers over the years. The PCC line in my view is a great line, with very little love from Hasbro and a lot of the greater Trans fandom. So here at this Blog i will attempt for all you PCC lovers to gather all the information i can for this line, this includes figure reviews, figure picture galleries, Auction spotlights, Official figures in package photos and much more!

New third party Bruticus in the works? From "Warbotron"?

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Credit(s) warbotron of the 2005 Boards

Third party group "Warbotron" released prototype pictures today of their take on G1 Bruticus and the combaticons, currently only known as "WB01". This previously unknown group skipped months of speculation and veiled silhouettes, instead revealing all of their figures and their alt-modes in plastic in one fell swoop!Credit(s)TFW2005